What is this website for?

The Alternative Energy website is where all our progress will be posted. Other information about our class will also be found on this website.

How was the class founded and what is its goal?

Our organization was founded because a group of students were very interested in creating a wind turbine that would not only save the school a lot of money, but would be great for the environment. Our goal is to create a wind turbine by the end of the school year.

Where can the class be contacted?

Phone: 583-5040
Fax: 583-6020
Email: slepry@isaruba.com

Address: Wayaca 238A

You can also write us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ilovehomework3#!/pages/Alternative-Energy-Class-ISA/131740226902783

How is the class unique?

Our class is unique because if we achieve our goal, we will be the only school in Aruba that has "gone green." With this, we hope to be an example to other schools and motivate them to do the same.